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When I print a ticket (receipt) on POS, the total price is correct (procucts + taxes) but on each product line it prints the product price without tax, and I need it with tax. (Customers are usually expecting to see it with tax).

On my tax settings, the checkbox of "tax included in price" is not checked, because in invoices I want it as it is now.

The only problem I have is on ticket, I've been looking at some files in POS module, but I'm not able to find how add the tax in product price.


Best Answer

I am not a programmer but try something like this. Maybe could work.

In /addons/point_of_sale/static/src/xml/pos.xml change this line:

<t t-esc="widget.format_currency(orderline.get_display_price())"/>

to this:

<t t-esc="widget.format_currency(orderLine.get_price_with_tax())"/>

I think this change should show the price with tax in every single product of ticket.


