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except_osv: ('Integrity Error', 'The operation cannot be completed, probably due to the following:\n- deletion: you may be trying to delete a record while other records still reference it\n- creation/update: a mandatory field is not correctly set\n\n[object with reference: name - name]').

I don't know what am doing wrongly. Please help!!

Thank you.

Best Answer

The error is about an impossibility you want to do. If you are saving/modifying something, you did not fill a required field. If you are deleting something, another object depends on the thing you want to delete.

If you can tell what you did, which buttons you pressed, we can help you more.

Did you install any modules developed by yourself/our company or from internet?

Is there anything in the logfile (Ubuntu: /var/log/openerp/openerp-server.log).

With the above information we can help you much quicker...


I created a form to get data for a store voucher. On clicking the "save" button, it brings this error. And i don't have any field called 'name' in my form. I didn't install anything from the internet. I only added my .py and xml files to stock module. Please what am I doing wrongly? Thank you for your response.

If the field is marked as required in .py file then it doesn't matter whether it is on the form or not - it is still mandatory. If you inherited stock object in you own class you also inherited all it's attributes including required fields so they needs to be populated.


Thank you guys for you help. Nazarii, I just disinherited the stock.move object which has "name" field as a required field. But am still getting that same error. Also, I inherited product.product object but it doesn't have any field "name" not to talk of whether it is required or not. I still need help please. Thank you guys.