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Create an invoice for a partner ABC of an amount 400, and validate the invoice. 

And from the Payment menu create a payment against the same partner ABC for a partial amount, let it be 150.

Now if we reconcile this payment using the  Payment matching button inside the payment form, you will be asked to write off the remaining amount(ie, 250).

How to reconcile partial payment without write off



Author Best Answer


The solution is that we have to click on the marked portion in the below image,

Upon clicking the portion the write-off will disappear.

And now by clicking the reconcile button, we can reconcile the partial amount.

You can see the same in this video: How to Reconcile Partial Payment without write off in (Odoo 11)



hi; if i process a payment using journal entry, how it will reconcile automatically, because its not appearing in payment matching

Best Answer

In the above example, how can I match $100 from payment amount of $150 to reduce invoice due from $400 to $300 ? 

Scenario is about matching part of the payment against part of an invoice.



Sorry. This is not a right solution. When a cheque is issued for an x amount, I cannot split it to X/3 and make 3 receipt journals because I'll have a problem reconciling my bank statement.

I have an invoice 001 for 'y'amount and I have a payment 002 for 'x' amount and I'd like to use z amount from payment 002 and pay for invoice 001. After payment, invoice 001 remaining will be (y - z) and payment 002 remaining amount will be (x -z)