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Local installation error mentioned on thread - I cannot find a point of contact to address this.

ParseError: "You cannot update the translated value of field 'Arch Blob'

None" while parsing file:///H:/odoo/dabiq-1.0.1/openerp/addons/base/res/res_security.xml:5, near

<record model="res.groups" id="group_partner_manager">

<field name="name">Contact Creation</field>



I am getting the same error when trying to add a new view of Type (Form, Tree, Graph, Calendar)

... am also getting the error when attempting to add a database field and field to a form.

Language English,

Latest Build Version 9.0-20151002

Locally installed

This is a crippling bug that I have had no success resolving.

Looking at



C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 8.0-20151002\server\openerp\addons\base\res

the suggested correction to the code about line 785

view.with_context(context, lang=None).write({'arch': xml_content})

had been made with the current release, but has had no effect on the problem.

Any suggestions?


Not a help, but same problem here.