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12 Replies

i have tried to configure mail sending in my odoo instance. i have configured outgoing mail server, test passes suscesfully with no errors. when i send some email, sender of the is user alias of my odoo instance, not a outgoing mail server adress. if i delete what outgoing mail server and send email from my instace sender of the mail also user alias. 

i dont understand where are used outgoing mail server? or i am misconfigured something?

maybe someone could me explain what i am doing wrong.

My configuration:

alias domain -

user1 email -

user2 email -

outgoing email server -

incoming email -

at the first sight everything is working correctly, i am getting emails from odoo, can send to odoo and so on, but i think the problem is what when i send email from user1 to user2  email information is:

from -

replyto -

if i send mail from user2 to user1 it show what sender also

if i delete completely outgoing mail server, mail are sending like always. How it could be? why my odoo instance dont uses my outgoing mail server for sending emails?

Best Answer

Hello  zilvinas,
I think Your Configuration is correct.

and odoo is sending mail From your Configured Outgoing mail

but the details from and replyto is based on composed email  so in received mail try to find out other details(more info) than you will find configured email address  which is "" 



but when i completely remove all my outgoing mail servers nothing changing.. mails are sending like always and i have same info in more info tab in gmail receipent account

i think it is not possible to send mail without outgoing mail Server Details please check your messages and verify you are sending new messages to test rather than past messages


i am also dont understand how, but i deleted all records in outgoing mail server, incoming mail server rebooted whole server and tried to send email to my gmail mailbox. email received like always from send from dont understand how it works...

Please Go to Settings --> Technical --> Email and delete all messages and emails and try aging sendng new messages after that you will see your mail in Messages Menu and you will find details


deleted all mails, messages reboted server. my instance sends email without outgoing mail server configured.. i dont understand how..

if you are still confused than create new mail manually than you will understand value of field "From,To and Reply-To" but it will send mail from outgoing mail server defined with given values in that mail hope you find this helpful. Thanks


i go technical/email/email create new when fill values from, to. when goes to advanced tab type = email outgoing mail server = empty ( its read only so i can change anything) press send and mail are delivered..

is that possible to share your email id so i will communicate over there..!!


my email zilvinui.paulauskui(eta)

If you go offline to clarify the issues, then please post the results here. And do also not mark a question as answered, if in fact it is not answered.

Best Answer

When there is no outgoing server configured, Odoo uses the smtp_server parameter in openerp-server.conf. If it is set to localhost, it'll use whatever configuration you already have on your local system.

Take a look at this log file for more info:

