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After installing a new instance of OpenERP, I noticed that it just said v7 under "About OpenERP", where my old instance (installed by someone else) says v7-20131113-002526. Is there some sort of minor update I could do here? I am having some module incompatabiltiy issues. Thanks!

Best Answer

v7 usualy sais when you install it directly from git ( or launchpad) while v7-YYYYMMDD-version stands fro nightly build versions 
(you have date and version number for reference in name of version) 

If you face module incompatability issues, you can:

a) start server with update all option ( -u all or -u db_name ) in order to update all modules (backup db before!)
b) check your modules and modules they depend on for diferences , and make modifications accordingly.. 


hope it helps.


That did help, as it caused me to download via the nightly debian packages instead of git. Turns out my issue was related to webkit and Ubuntu 14 but the debian install is more similar to how it was done on my test instance. Cheers!