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Could anyone please help on how to take the backup and restore to another computer, I have tried the following methods I have all my installations on Windows 7 OS 1. Using the OpenERP front-end screen --> Manage database --> Backup 2. Backup database from PGA admin and restore the data into another instance

In both above methods , application is not correctly working, it is throwing error something like client widget is null and also I do not see all the components in the restore

Can you please provide detailed steps on how to take the backup correctly and install on another machine

Your help is greatly appreciated

Thank you, Abilash


Are both servers running the same version of OpenERP? (OpenERP 7 downloaded in August isn't the same version of OpenERP 7 downloaded in September)


Yes, I have used the same downloaded file in both machines

is duplication of database working on both servers ?


No, I am not able to see all the installed apps in duplicated server and even if I click on some modules, it is throwing error, can you please guide me step by step on backup and restore ? Thanks

After restore, try running the openerp server with command line arguments to upgrade the database: ./openerp-server -c <location of your configuration file> -d <name of the database you restored> -u all (there is probably a difference between the versions of OpenERP you are moving from and to)

Hi. make shure on the secend server you have all modules in addon/directory as the old server. I fink on the secende instance is missing some modules.