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Locally, I installed the module by adding educat on file Odoo 8.0-20150116 \ server \ openerp \ addons. I also installed other dependent modules without error. My problem is that the controls send me away on the site (ex :


can you please make it more clear....


After installing the module, it does not appear in the Settings section and when I click on Student for example, it returns me this link ( so that it works in localhost


I received this message importantly Educat module :

Error while importing module 'openeducat_erp': '"ValidateError\nField(s) `model_id` failed against a constraint: Rules can not be applied on Transient models.\n\nError details:\nop.student" while parsing file:///c:/windows/temp/tmp0vpkub/openeducat_erp/security/op_security.xml:23, near\n<record model="ir.rule" id="student_login_rule">\n\t\t\t<field name="name">Student Login rule</field>\n\t\t\t<field name="model_id" ref="model_op_student"/>\n\t\t\t<field name="groups" eval="[(4, ref(\'openeducat_erp.group_op_student\'))]"/>\n\t\t\t<field name="domain_force"> [(\'user_id\',\'=\',]</field>\n\t\t</record>'