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4 Replies

I am facing this problem:

"I need to change the domain of a field from within an on_change event handler because it needs special computation. While it works as expected when the field is changed, the event isn't triggered when the value is loaded into the field at form init time."

so i tried: 1. on_change: not called when editing form, and that is reasonable. 2. Just using a domain: i found my domain is more complex and needs special computation. 3. 'fields_view_get': i couldn't get the current values to construct my domain. 4. custom function to get domain: i am too close with this, but have a problem with return type.

So what is the best alternative for on_change, for this case?

here is a summarized code for 'fields_view_get':

def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
    res = super(taskmng_task, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, context=context, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu)
    doc = etree.XML(res['arch'])
    for node in doc.xpath("//field[@name='user_id']"):
        node.set('domain', 'MY DOMAIN') # here i need the current form values (if applicable)
    res['arch'] = etree.tostring(doc)
    return res

Code for custom function:

def _get_user_id_domain(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
    record_id = ids[0] 
    project_id = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)[0].project_id   # here i can get the values (eg. 'project_id')
    # do some computation....
    return {record_id: "MY DOMAIN"} # returning domain as string rises an exception*

and then i made a field to hold domain value:

'domain_field': fields.function(_get_user_id_domain, type='char', size=255, method=True, string="Domain"),

and i use it in XML:

<xpath expr="//field[@name='user_id']" position="replace">
       <field name="user_id" domain="domain_field" />

*When edit the filed, this exception occur "TypeError: second argument to Function.prototype.apply must be an array", (only if i returned domain as string, and i need to do that!)

Am i going in the wrong direction, and what is the best way to make such a domin?


Sorry for posting all these details, it may solve another question :)


I found a way to avoid returning domain as string in last function, and it works.

Can you please share your solution with us?

Best Answer

Hello, first,thank you everyone, i get some way to solve the problem from this article , After continuous attempts, i have solved this problem perfect, the way is use onchange and add field with function type, code like this

_columns = {
        'ts_id': fields.many2one('trainstation.trainstation', 'ts', help="",required=True,),
        'get_department_id': fields.function(_get_department_id, type='integer',  method=True, string="Domain"),
        'employee_id': fields.many2one('hr.employee', 'operator', ,required=True),


    _defaults = {
    'ts_id':  None,

    def _get_department_id(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
    result = {} 
    if not ids:
        return result           
    for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
        result[] =
    return result

def onchange_ts(self, cr, uid, ids, ts_id,employee_id, context=None):
    domain = {}
    value =  {}
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    if not ts_id:
        return {'domain':domain}       
    obj_ts = self.pool.get('trainstation.trainstation')
    ts = obj_ts.browse(cr, uid, ts_id, context=context)
    if employee_id:
        obj_emp = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        emp = obj_emp.browse(cr, uid, employee_id, context=context)         
        if ==
            return {'domain':domain}
    domain = {'employee_id':[('department_id','=',]}
    value = {'employee_id': False}
    return {'value':value,'domain':domain}

 add this to xml file
<field name='ts_id' on_change="onchange_ts(ts_id,employee_id)" />
<field name="get_department_id" invisible="1"/>    
<field name='employee_id'  domain="[('department_id','=',get_department_id)]" />
Best Answer


We have implemeted this, but you need to patch openerp-server and openerp-web to enable en new setup option in form definition and a new invisible parameter that trigger invisibility state change.

you can find branch we just pushed here:

And next if you want to execute onchange like function when form is loaded, just add this to your form definition:

<form string="Project" version="7.0" setup="my_func(name,'test')">

and in python, create a function just like onchange one:

class project(osv.osv):
    def my_func(self, cr, uid, ids, part=False, context=None):
        return {'invisible': {'partner_id': True},  'domain' : {'my_field':[]}}

Hope this will help.


Thanks, that what i was looking for previously, and this is a good news for me, any way i approached another way (domain via function, and it works now), but i think this is a better way, right?

Anybody to port this to v8?

Best Answer

The onchange method works too if you are just defining by default a value. If you set
_defaults = { 'type': 'issue' }
for example.
Automatically system is going to call onchange function when the form loads. I hope that answers your question.


Best Answer

Hi Obay,

Yes ofcourse there is an easy way to apply domain on field from within an on_change event.

Like this,

I have applied domain on the basis of type field. My type field is a selection field of values issue and return. On the basis of type field I am changing the domain of location_id.

def onchange_type(self, cr, uid, ids, type):
    domain = {}
    if type=='issue':
        domain = {'location_id':[('usage','=','internal')]}
    elif type=='return':
        domain = {'location_id':[('usage','=','inventory')]}
    return {'domain':domain}

Hope this solution solve your problem too.



thanks Keyur, but the problem with 'on_change' is that "While it works as expected when the field is changed, the event isn't triggered when the value is loaded into the field at form init time.", that is why i am looking for alternative.