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5 Replies

Hello everyone,

I am using Odoo 12 and have a legal requirement regardless report invoice and sale report.
I have to show the document details (document type, number, date, etc.) on every report page (not just the first one).

So, core Odoo report invoice allows me to print this information only at the first page.
In Odoo we have (first page):

     Customer Name
     Customer Address

Below we have document details with number, date, etc.

What I need to do is to show the document details on the top of the page (starting from page 2), like:

     Customer: Customer Name
     Document Type: Invoice
     Number: INV XXX/2020
     Issue Date: 10-10-2020

I was able to add the desired values to variables in qweb, but I don't now how to check if page >1 in order to show the desired values...

Can anyone help me include this information at the top of every page other than the first one?
I have searched and could not find any solution for this.

Thank you all in advance

Best regards


Best Answer

You can get the idea or you even may want to forward port this module:


Hi @Ermin Trevisan,

Thank you very much.

I have tested the module (not complicated to port the desired part to 12), but found some problems on using it:

When I use the module, I can set the desired classes on "header" area of the report, for instance (as per module sample)...

<t t-if="o._table=='account_invoice'">

<div class="not-first-page">

<span t-esc="o.number"/>



<t t-if="o._table=='sale_order'">

<div class="not-first-page">

<span t-esc=""/>



It just work as desired..., problem is that the new content is put on the top of existing content starting from second.

Please refer to the pic:

Also noticed that the new created "classes" only works for header and footer areas of the report.

Where can I find the hard code for footer and header for Core Odoo? I can only find the templates...

Thank you

Best Answer

You can easily achieve this by using Odoo studio and editing the report related to the invoice, take a look at this video

hope it helps


Thank you @Oscar,

Unfortunately it did not help. It is only an overview of Odoo Studio. I have tried already but cannot find a way to "add visibility" based on page number...

Author Best Answer

Hello everyone,

I finally solved my issue. With help of module referred by @ \Ermin Trevisan, I was able to choose values to show on first and later pages.

Unfortunately after this, another problem arises and was related with header_spacing.

I had to "fight" with "margin_top" and "header_space" and with the help of  this module (  \ ) I was able to design the desired structure to show document details on every page.

For those who will have the same issue (header spacing) keep in mind that it is "always" dependable on margin_top value.

Thank you all

Best regards


