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2 Replies


We realized that the email module is completely monkey patched and there are competing ideologies at work here. Unfortunately it is completely incoherent and seems to require advanced knowledge. Here is to hoping someone with some such knowledge is around. 

We have two issues:

1). We want to send emails from the chatter using the catch-all address instead of the modules alias (sales in this case). We can communicate for invoices/sales orders using the chatter and they appear to be from "Company Sales SO1234" which is what we desire. In our case it sends them from the user sending the message using the modules alias.

We cannot find where to modify this, it seems to be hardcoded somewhere.

2.) The template that renders these messages is "views/message_notification_email" which formats the actual email content. The links that are included for internal communications never work, they just send us to the main odoo page which is extremely frustrating as we now have to copy paste links and include them in these communications. How can we change this:

<a t-if="has_button_access" t-att-href="button_access['url']" style="background-color: #ce4414; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 8px 16px; font-size: 13px; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;"> <t t-esc="button_access['title']"/></a>

to include the actual link to the object?

In some templates we used "${object.access_url}"  and it takes us / the customer directly to the object in question. Unforutnately all internal notes / messages have links that do not work.

Thank you very much.




To understand how all this works is for sure not easy. I do not understand your point 1, but at least 2. works flawlessly out of the box. Depends on your Odoo version and your setup,.

Best Answer

Hey Ermin,

Point 1. is regarding the chatter from invoices, sales orders, leads, etc. When you send a message using the chatter, where/how can we change the email template that is being used? We could not find a particular template or qweb view that influences the Chatter Send a Message template.

Regarding point 2, we found out that the links work only on chrome, edge, mozilla. On Safari they just redirect to the main page. We tried to reproduce using or similar but there it works so the odoo guys refused to help us any further. I guess we either have a template/view that we modified or something else. In any case, very sad that we were refused as our install is just a simple stand-alone installation. I wish they would at least provide enough documentation for us to trace the issue (if we knew what view did what, we could chase the issue down ourselves).

Sometimes being open source is useless because there is not enough documentation to pick up.

We are using odoo v12, we update whenever a new version comes out.

Thanks for your time,




