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What could be the reason for im chat to be slow, when you open the chat it takes 60s to get open, and when you send a message it takes between 50 to 65 seconds to send a message, also things you send doesn't appear on the chat after those 60 seconds, it used to work ok, a some week ago it begun to work too slow, the long polling it's taking up to 60 seconds to send/reflect its work(?) any idea?

ps: when you reload the page it show messages that were sent, if you don't reload it takes up to 60 seconds to show the message.

Best Answer


You can disable force sending IM chat notification by this code:


class Message(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'mail.message'

    def create(self, vals):
        self = self.with_context(mail_notify_force_send=False)
        return super(Message, self).create(vals)


After that IM chat comments will be sent by Email Queue.