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I'm trying to send email as notification to some users when an employee creates new journal entry,

So this is my work :

account_move :

class AccountMove(models.Model):
    _inherit = "account.move"
    def write(self,values):       
        journal_write = super(AccountMove,self).write(values)
        template_obj = self.env.ref('create_journal_control.email_template_notify_new_journal')
        body = template_obj.body_html
        mail_values = []
        if template_obj:
            mail_values = {
                'subject': template_obj.subject,
                'body_html': body,
                'email_to': template_obj.email_to, #';'.join(map(lambda x: x, receipt_list)),
                'email_cc': template_obj.email_cc, #';'.join(map(lambda x: x, email_cc)),
                'email_from': template_obj.email_from,
        create_and_send_email = self.env['mail.mail'].create(mail_values).send()
        return journal_write

notify_new_journal.xml :

<record id="email_template_notify_new_journal" model="mail.template">
            <field name="name">Notify Create New Journal Entry</field>
            <field name="email_from">noreply@eureka</field>
            <field name="subject">Mayar - New journal entry created !</field>
            <field name="email_to"></field>
            <field name="email_cc"></field>
            <field name="model_id" ref="account.model_account_move_line"/>          
            <field name="body_html">
                    <p><strong>Dear Admins</strong></p>

                    <p>New journal entry has been created by --creator-- on --date--</p>

                    % if object.line_ids:
                            % for line in object.line_ids
                            % endfor
                    % endif
                    <p>Journal created : --journal-- for Partner : --partner--</p>

But, the template doesn't render as expected, this is the mail :

Dear Admins

New journal entry has been created by --creator-- on --date--

% if object.line_ids:
    % for line in object.line_ids
  1. ${} % endfor
% endif

Journal created : --journal-- for Partner : --partner--

And also, I receive tow mails instead of one !

Please help me and thnaks !
