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2 Replies

Hello All,

I'm having problem on overriding create method.

I've one2many field in my current model, I want to update the value of that field when new record created, and this one2many field's co-model has it's own one2many fields.

So, basically there is two levels of one2many fields.

My one2many field has one2many field, I want to create record for that model as well,

How can i achieve this?

Any help on this appreciated.

This is need to be done using api coding standard.


Could you share the code that you are using with comment so everyone could better get the idea of what you are doing and trying to do


@Axel: I've given the example in new question, because i was not able to edit my question. here is the link.

Best Answer

Hello Prince,

Try to use this code.


def create(self,vals):


     return super(class_name,self).create(vals)

Hope this help.


@Nikunj, thanks for your ans. but till now I've achieved already, Now the problem is that one2many field which is also one2many, than how can do? Here i got stuck. and i want the same thing for write method.