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2 Replies

Hello. Before start some code:

class ExampleModelItem(models.Model):
_name = "example.model.item"
partner_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.partner')
lines = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='sale.order.line')

def _compute_sale_lines(self):
ctx_obj = self._context['reglas']

class ExampleModel(models.Model):
_name = "example.model"
reglas = fields.One2many(comodel_name='example.model.item', inverse_name='...', string="...")
lines = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='sale.order.line')

The view in "example.model" looks like :

<field name="reglas" context="{'reglas': reglas}">

As you can see in the view we set the field in the context, we get the value to ctx_obj variable in the _compute function.

This ctx_obj have a list of the old o2m structure [(0, False, {...}), (1, 1, {...}), (4, 3, False), ..., (type, id, data)]

The problem i facing is, how can i know in the compute method if the record is one of the records in the ctx_obj? Or even better, wich one. When exists its easy, because i can find that id in the ctx_obj. But when is a Newid object, the ctx_obj will be a False. Is there a way to acknowledge is the newid is already in the context object or not??

Thank you in advance

Author Best Answer

The problem is not o get values to the function. As you can see the data reach the function.

Let me elaborate it a little more:

Beeing in the main form, i have values {'reglas': [], 'lines': [(6, 0, [100201, 100202])]}

No i create a new subform, and when the function is called i have ctx_obj=[]. The function runs, data is build and back to the main form with values {'reglas': [(0, False, {'partner_id': 38, 'lines': [(6, 0, [100201])]})]}.

Now if i edit again the same item before i save the main form, and change partner_id....ctx_obj=[(0, False, {'partner_id': 38, 'lines': [(6, 0, [100201])]})], and the record doesnt have an ID.

If instead of edit, i create a second one, ctx_obj is the same. The main point of this post is, how can i relate the record to the item inside ctx_obj??

For now a strinct rule of "not edit not saved data" work, but i would like to remove the problem before impose such thing.

Best Answer

Context must be specified on the source-field of the onchange.

In your case, ensure whether you are passing the necessary context on the field 'partner_id'
