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2 Replies

I have a customer field in my module, which looks like this:

customer = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Customer')

In my form view, I display it like this:

<field name="customer" context="{'show_address': 1}" options="{'always_reload': True}"/>

This displays the address only after I save the record. But I want it to show the customer's address before the record is saved.

I could just create a few fields to represent the customer address, but I want to see if there is a better way of showing the address. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Hello you can apply a related field to see the address

customer = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Customer')

street = fields.Char(related='customer.street', string='Street')

<field name="customer"/>

<field name="street"/>

Best Answer

Hi colinito, 

Actually what you see ( partner name and address is stored in field name ) is done by overriding name_get function that is triggered after Save and will reattribute name value based on given information: in your case context="{'show_address': 1}"

You're going to need other fields to achieve that.

Hope this helps.
