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I have inherited pos.order model adding some extra fields and my definitions via custom module:

class PosOrderDV(models.Model):
_inherit = "pos.order"
profit = fields.Float('Lucro', store=True, index=True, digits=(5,2))
costs = fields.Float('Custos', store=True, index=True, digits=(5,2))

  def cost_elab(self):
    ### do stuff ###

Odoo has his personal way to interact with fields trough definition, and I'm seeing a lack of good docs to archive that. Perhaps is better stay with my daemon, but I'm curious to know how people are managing the conversion.

For now, all I got were a series of errors, the most common are

ValueError: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: "'pos.order' object has no attribute 'cost_elab'"

if I call my def with env['pos.order'].cost_elab()


NameError: name 'self' is not defined

if I use self.env['pos.order'].cost_elab()

Best Answer


check whether your object is browsable, and you can call function by

env['pos.order'].cost_elab() like self.env['product.uom']._compute_price(, purchase_price,

class x(Object):

     def y():

         return "teste"

class y(models.Model, x):

     """ here I can access function y as self.y() """

     print self.y()

if still probs, then please give me your example code

In case of odoo lets take an example.

class res_partner(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.partner"
def google_map_img(zoom=17, width=298, height=298):
partner = self.browse([partner_id])
        params = {
  'center': '%s, %s %s, %s' % (partner.street or '', or '', or '',
        partner.country_id and partner.country_id.name_get()[0][1] or ''),
        'size': "%sx%s" % (height, width),
  'zoom': zoom,
        'maptype': 'hybrid',
  'sensor': 'false',
        return urlplus('//', params)

class test(models.Model):
     _name = ''

     def test(self):
partner = self.sudo().partner_id
    return partner and partner.google_map_img(zoom, width, height) or None

In case you have no record set try @api.model instead of multi



Can you please elaborate more?

In pure python with the help of psycopg2 is quite easy trigger an action (I'm using a daemon now) but the more I dig into Odoo the more I realize perhaps is better stay with my own setup.

If you think is important I'll update the OP with a draft of my python code.


And just for let you know, your example give me an error of invalid syntax after 'like'.

like is not an operator here , i just used to explain an example.

eg: self.env['product.uom']._compute_price(,purchase_price,


Ok, I'll have a look more deeply using your sample code.

But somehow 'self' doesn't works well with pos.order/server action.

See my previous thread here:

I see try @api.model instead of @api.multi


Hilar, thank you for your time.

I prefer not to use @api.model, since I would like to use just the new API.

Let me assimilate the concept and Í'll write some lines of code. But again, coding under Odoo should be more simple... Or probably I'm just getting old!