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Hello all,

I made a new module TG_Box.  (for V7)
This is a "DropBox" like and will allow you to store and share documents with other users.

You can make categories and subcategories.
Files are stored on the server file system to not overload the database.
You can upload any file type. Most common types have their icons.
You can also post any link (URL)

Documents are displayed in Kanban view with their icon filetype and you can diplay an image for best visibility

You can set a categoy "private", in this case only box managers can see the docs inside the cat (or subcat)

You can allow only certain users to see a documment by adding users in the allowed users tree. No user in the tree = document is visible for all.

Left menu is built automatically once you créate/edit /remove a category.
Unfortunatelly I not managed to reload the entire page, because JavaScript must be reloaded to "see" the category you just created. So once you have finished to create the categories, reload the page to see the left menu.

Subcategories are displayed on top of the kanbanview as button.
The parent category display all the documents that are in this category and all its subcategories.



  • Login Odoo/OpenERP as Administrator
  • Go to Configuration -> Parameters -> System Parameters
  • Create a new parameter :
  •       Key   = ir_tgbox.location  
  •       Value = file:///tgboxstore
  • and save


  • Now get into server file system and go to /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp  (Debian)
  • create a folder named "tgboxstore" + chown openerp:openerp + CHMOD 755

THIS IS MANDATORY because files are stored on server file system and you must create the folder first with correct permissions.

Set file storage

Download link =

Best Answer

Can we use this module on Odoo 9 ?

Thank you
