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Hello, I'm trying to make a new theme for odoo-8 website.. By following these steps in \odoo-theme-tutorial . when went through step of Extend the default header I didn't get the expected output. All I get is a page og text without applying neither the CSS effect nor the JS. I don't know what am I missing.. any help will be appreciated.
Here's my code:

in openerp file:


# Theme information

'name': "theme_businesscasual",

'description': """


'category': 'Theme',

'version': '1.0',

'depends': ['website', 'website_less'],

# templates

'data': [



'application': True


in layout.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>



<!-- Customize header -->

<template id="custom_header" inherit_id="website.layout" name="Custom Header">

<!-- Assign an id -->

<xpath expr="//div[@id='wrapwrap']/header" position="attributes">

<attribute name="id">my_header</attribute>


<!-- Add an element after the top menu -->

<xpath expr="//div[@id='wrapwrap']/header/div" position="after">

<div class="container">

<div class="alert alert-info mt16" role="alert">

<strong>Welcome</strong> to our website!







Here's a screenshot of what I get:


screenshot in this link :