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Is it possible to add data in odoo with multi language ? like employee name and address ...

best regards


Hello , thank you Ivan :)  but is it possible to add the "translate=true" option in the current module without developing a new module who inherits from hr.employee.

Technically, yes it is possible. Just add the attribute, restart server and upgrade the module. In the long run, I'd advised against it because it may interfere with upgrade process if you plan to upgrade the version of Odoo later on.

Best Answer

There are some fields that support translation.  It is indicated by a icon of a box and flying blue flag within the field.  Example is in the Product's Name field.  Unfortunately I think Employee name and Address does not have the feature turned on by default.  You can turn it on by setting inheriting the model (hr.employee), redefine the column exactly as it was defined before and add translate=True in the definition.
