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hello dudes!

im sitting here on Odoo 12 and try to implement own custom moduls with the help of Odoo12 Development Book.

Todo means that every user can see a list of task he (or his group) have (has) to do.

On the book example only the user can see his created tasks. Record Rule: [('create_uid', '=',]

I would prefer that a user can see his own-created tasks and the tasks that affect him

What must my record_rules look like?

My todo-model  (x_todo_item) has following custom-attributes:

x_is_done    Is Done?    boolean   
x_name    Name    char   
x_work_team_ids    Work Team many2many

Unfortunately, I'm not so good with the models and record rules

Can you help me pls?

Best Answer

I had similar experience with what you are trying to achieve.

There's a built-in function called "Planned Activity" in Odoo.  I recommend you to look into that before implementing your own module.

In your model, you can call any records from any table based on your desired criteria.

For reference, 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
import logging
class Todo(models.Model):
    _name = ''
    _description = 'Task Management'
    _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin', 'portal.mixin'] 
# display this one2many in a form view in .xml files
# One2many must have another many2one in the related model, 
# In this case it's 'task_summary_id' I made in 'mail.activity'
my_tasks = fields.One2many('mail.activity', 'task_summary_id', string='To Do', domain=[('activity_type_id', '=', 4)]) 

The above is an example.  
