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7 Replies

Greeting All,

im our company we use odoo 9 to manage our activity, and every thing is realy greate , except one problem which caused by the POS, For some reason some of the orders (paid one) not found in the backend and no indicator In the POS shown any stacked Orders, any help will be appreciated


Exactly the same problem here. Even the server logs don't show errors or any indication of orders not saved. We are using Firefox on Windows as POS clients, and I don't see any orders stuck in the client localcache.


am on windows using google chrom any one Can help please?

Best Answer

Hi, Samer AL-Sarhan

it is the common problem while running multi-company uses same pos

while you running pos the session automatically change to closed or any other sate

and your current order will lose.....................

i will send you a module in pos to solve the session will check every second your session closed or not and it will display a popup while session close ,

my clients are still using this module in all odoo versions if you have any problem please contact me :9633097060(india) or email me i will send the module to you ,id

py part.....................

class PosConfig(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'pos.config'

    check_session_state_frequency = fields.Integer(
        string="Frequency of Checking the State of the Session",
        default=1, help="The value is set in seconds.")

    def get_status(self, ref):
        lines = self.env['pos.session'].search([('id', '=', ref)])
        result = lines.state
        return result

    def update_status(self, ref):
        code_check = self.env['pos.session'].search([('id', '=', ref)])
        # if code_check == False:
        print 'No postcode in database, writing ....'
        print code_check.state
        code_check.write({'state': 'opened'})
        print code_check.state
        return ref

js part

"use strict";

var PopupWidgets = require('point_of_sale.popups');
var gui = require('point_of_sale.gui');
var chrome = require('');
var PosBaseWidget = require('point_of_sale.BaseWidget');
var popups = require('point_of_sale.popups');
var QWeb = core.qweb;
var _t = core._t;
var PopupWidget = require('point_of_sale.popups');
var _t = core._t;

var ErrorClosedSessionPopupWidget = PopupWidget.extend({

        init: function(parent, options) {
            var self = this;
            this._super(parent, options);

            self.intervalID = setInterval(function() {
                var order_new = self.pos.pos_session;
                 new Model('pos.config').call('get_status',[]).then(function(result){
                    if (result=='opened'){
//                        console.log("opened the session");
                        console.log("session blocked");2

            }, self.pos.config.check_session_state_frequency * 1000);
        show: function(opts) {
            var self = this;
            var order_new = self.pos.pos_session;
               new Model('pos.config').call('update_status',[]).then(function(result){

               new Model('pos.config').call('update_status',[]).then(function(result){

gui.define_popup({name:'lock1', widget: ErrorClosedSessionPopupWidget});

//var module = init.PosBaseWidget.extend({
    build_widgets: function(){
            // Add a new Popup 'ErrorClosedSessionPopupWidget'
            this.error_closed_session_popup = new ErrorClosedSessionPopupWidget(this, {});

//            this.screen_selector.popup_set['error-closed-session'] = this.error_closed_session_popup;

            // Hide the popup because all pop up are displayed at the
            // beginning by default



Thank for your replay, actually, it's single company and after I update to Odoo 10 I don't have the problem anymore.

Best Answer

Hi, does anyone know if this situation still happens in v11?

Best Answer

I have seen the same issue, seems the life of the order is not properly destroyed after the connection has been lost. However I thought the missing orders (we have printed receipt of product where no record exist in odoo) was because the user afterwards could edit a closed order. Under normal circumstances it is not possible to edit an order/receipt, however if there was a lost connection it is possible to edit the last order (which was not printed because there was no connection, but prints once connection comes back).

Also we found it difficult to debug as the POS ID (order id) cannot be printed directly onto the receipt, to get a unique order id we therefore print “” which concatenates “Order + uid” e.g. = _t("Order ") + this.uid; not what we want but at least unique for the sale. In the model.js there is a property invoice_id marked as TO DO line 1674 invoice_id: null, //TODO should that be the uid?

Best Answer

one of the cause is that the POS session had lost the connection (internet or network) with the backend server (this is shown on the red button on top right side of the pos screen). 

Normally when the connection is resumed (green light) the paid transactions are then sent to the backend.

However this situation seems to be to much dependant from the browser used outside of odoo to run the POS session; one cannot guarantee that every POS transaction is saved onto the backend.

I feel this as a weakness for the POS. Please correct me if I am wrong


you are correct, but i noticed that the missing orders not transfered from unpaid to paid, and the products inside the unpaid orders has been removed but the orders them selves still exist in unpaid local storage, i think there is a bug in the .js files