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Hi, everyone.

First of all, I hope you are very well.

I created a method which loads an URL where there is a form, and to get the results from this form, I have to set a captcha code from a captcha image.

That captcha image only updates if the URL loads again in the browser.

I'm using selenium to set the values needed for the inputs automatically, but before doing that, I take a screenshot to the website and I cropped that image to extract only the captcha image portion and save it in a directory called 'static'.

So, I put the captcha image inside an action window, doing this executing the method from a button.

My question is.. How can I update the image automatically when I click the button? What can I add in my code to do it?


My code:


def load_webpage(self):
Load the SENIAT url and download the captcha image
global driver

driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_log_path='/opt/odoo10/apps/ghostdriver.log') # Open a browser session

driver.save_screenshot("/opt/odoo10/apps/hr_nomina/static/src/img/seniat_page.png") # Taking the screenshot
img ="/opt/odoo10/apps/hr_nomina/static/src/img/seniat_page.png")
captcha_img = img.crop((41, 200, 162, 230)) # Croping the captcha portion from image"/opt/odoo10/apps/hr_nomina/static/src/img/captcha.png")


<record id="captcha_view" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">captcha.view</field>
<field name="model">captcha.window</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<group name="group_top">
<group name="group_left">
<field name="captcha_code"/>
<button name="load_webpage" string="Cargar Captcha" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
<group name="group_right">
<img src="/hr_nomina/static/src/img/captcha.png" id="captcha_img"/>
<button name="main" string="Actualizar" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
