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When an incoming mail server is configured using IMAP to collect mail from a Gmail account it marks the message as read, meaning it is difficult to see what has been read when logging into the Gmail account.

Is there a way to leave the message as unread on the mail server?

Moreover, is it possible for the message to be automatically marked as read within openERP once it is read in Gmail, similar to how IMAP works on most mobile devices?

Thanks, Lawrence


Same problem an answer on that would be very helpful ...


In the end I used POP3 for the mail servers. This allows for you to collect mail (whether its in the read or unread state) and also will not change the state of the messages it collects providing you configure it correctly on your mail server (e.g. Gmail). There is also the added benefit which it will collect mail in the "sent" folder.

Lawrence, how do configure to avoid the fetched emails to be deleted from the server? Could you please explain further.


Hi Luis. In Gmail I went to Settings->Forwarding and POP/IMAP and then under the heading POP access I selected "When messages are accessed by POP keep original message in inbox". I hope that helps.

I have the same issue - any new solutions available by now to also being able to process read messages - but not already processed through OpenERP - through IMAP?

Best Answer

Real IMAP client is like a remote access/sync to a mail server. So you have just one repository for your emails and your local copy is like a managed cache that is sync each time you check mail on server.

In Openerp IMAP is used just as auth, but really, openerp copy from the server ONLY mail marked as "unread" from the IMAP inbox.

This new mail will be "unread" in openerp and "read" on IMAP server

If you read some email from you IMAP server you will not have that email in openerp (just remark the email as unread and openerp will fetch it)

If you delete some email from the server this will continue to exist in openerp because there is not sync but just fetch.

OpenERP:POP is more manageable but it can't be used with catchall account due to a bug (see:

OpenERP:IMAP should be changed in order to fetch all "unread (by openerp)" email! means that OpenERP should fetch those email that it has never saw before without change the "read" status on the IMAP server


Best Answer

Same issue on Odoo 11(using IMAP)

Any fix to leave messages as unread on the Gmail server ?

Please help,

Thank you

Best Answer

It seems openerp uses unread to know which mails to fetch, and once fetched, needs to mark those as read so that on the next fetch, it doesn't fetch the same ones again, I don't see a way of leaving it unread on server, and having openerp know which messages not to fetch on the next run. I may be wrong though.


you're right but openerp could use same technique is used in any imap mail client