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1 Reply

Hello all,

I'm in the model account.invoice, in a new method.

An invoice has an origin sale order.

Trying to get the id of the origin sale_order of an invoice.

Is this the best and cleanest way to get this id?

class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
    _inherit = "account.invoice"

    def get_origin_sale_order_id(self):
sale_order_id = self.env['sale.order'].search([('name', '=', self.origin)])[0].id
        return sale_order_id

Thanks for your comments!

Best Answer

No, it's not.

You can do like this.

This will work for you.

sale_order_id = self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('sale_line_ids').order_id

It works! However I got expected singleton error if there are multiple sale.order.line lines

Here is my source code to overcome this error:

sale_line_ids = self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('sale_line_ids')

if sale_line_ids:

sale_order = sale_line_ids[0].order_id

If we think straightway, it's not possible that one invoice is created for 2 sale orders.