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For example, I want to modify the domain of `sale.order.order_line`, and I have to copy all code and add the domain:

class SaleOrder(orm.Model):
    _name = _inherit = "sale.order"
    _columns = {
        # Copied from the original, but with domain
        'order_line': fields.one2many(
            'Order Lines', 
            domain=[("optional", "=", False)],
            states={'draft': [('readonly', False)], 
                    'sent': [('readonly', False)]}),

But I want to know if there is any way to just declare what I want to modify, and leave the rest as is. Something similar to:

class SaleOrder(orm.Model):
    _name = _inherit = "sale.order"

    _columns = {
        'order_line': {
            "domain": [("optional", "=", False)],

Is it possible?

Best Answer

I don't think that is possible. If you create a field that alreasy exists in the original module, you will completely redefine the field. So yes, if you only wanted to add "required=True" to a field, you have to copy the entire field and add that attribute unfortunately.

Perhaps this will be different with the new API, but for now I think it is not possible.
