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I am using "All Products " category in my system. I want to give a separate account for refund for the products under this category. When i goto this category, i can give income account. The sales (debit) and sales refund (credit) to this account. I want to use another account to record the refunds for products under this category. Can any one give solution please? 

Best Answer

1. Accounting --> Configuration --> Journals --> Journals

2. Define the accounts directly from the Sales Refund Journal.


Thank you Ray Carnes, I have added xccount to sales refund journal. I have check this account balance after make three returns with invoice, But this account contains value zero.Can you please suggest some other way?. We have given accounts in product category.

Are the Refund Invoices validated? Closed? Are the Journal Entries posted?


Yes, i have confirmed the refund invoice and it is there in open state. The income account of product category effecting instead of this sales refund journal default debit and credit account.