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Hello. I'm new at Odoo and I would like to know if it is possible to achieve what I asked.

What I'm planning to do is to insert python logic inside a custom module (which I can build with code) in order to connect to a public webservice. I feel like this could be possible since that is the way Google Calendar works on Odoo am I right?

My module would basically have an object with a tree view with some invoices (I will extend a boolean field on invoices and depending on this the invoice will be shown on this module's object view). Then I will select an invoice, acces to its form view and through a custom buttom with a custom action, send data from that invoice to my webservice. 

I am thinking about using Requests or Zeep as libraries for connecting and sending data to the external public webservice.  I will be sending data from Odoo to this webservice. What I would like to know also is how do I make the script run if the libraries I'll use are not on my Odoo server. Would it still work? Sorry if this last piece of info/question is irrelevant.

Any documentation or old post about this topic would be helpful too.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Jean,

Yes, that is possible. You can pass any type of data to third party using web-services. Using python you can call any type of web-service. There are many libraries that will help you to call web-service.

You will have to install the library which you will use on your server where Odoo is running.

Let me know if you have any further question. Feel free to ask.

Sudhir Arya
ERP Harbor Consulting Services
Best Answer

Hello Jean,

Yes it is possible by using web services and you can easily transfer data to any third party app.

There are plenty of python lib available which you can easily use.


Best Answer

Yes, you can achieve this wither with python or javascript, with Odoo everything is possible  :(
