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4 Replies

Hello, Everyone I'm currently working on openERP module and i have to unistall and reinstall it again to see the result. does anyone have a better idea or better way of doing this?


For to detect the python changes and restart the service automatically, you can use watchdog package, see this:

To get xml changes without upgrading the module, see:

Best Answer

It's not necessary to uninstall and reinstall your module.

If you are updating a python file you just have to restart your server to update your changes. This in the case that you are updating code. If you are adding new fields to the object you have to restart your server and update the module.

To update a xml file you just have to save the xml file and update the module.

To reinstall a module you have to go to settings>installed modules>your module>upgrade

Best Answer

Hi Voathnak,

No need to reinstall module for change the code.

If You are working in OpenERP V7 version. then please try following,

./openerp-server --addons-path=../your addons path/ -d your database  name -u your module name

If You are working in OpenERP V6 version. then please try following,

./ --addons-path=/your addons path/  -d your database name -u your module name
Best Answer


For the python changes you can just restart the service to get the change, if the service restarting has to be done automatically you can use the python package watchdog for this, you can check this to see how it is done : Restart Odoo Service Automatically Based On Changes In Python Files

For the XML Changes, there is no need to upgrade the module, without upgrading the module, you can get the changes made in the code instantly if you pass --dev xml in the parameters, see this: Get XML Changes Without Upgrading The Module in Odoo

