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Hi all,

Since we cannot find an official communication from OpenERP SA concluding on the many debates around res.partner issues, i.e. Bug 1160365, I would like to know whether a viable solution exists to represent a partner > address > job > contact structure in OpenERP V7.

The rational to latest res.partner improvements does mention a base_contact module :
Partner Scenario

A comment from O Dony himself mentions it being a proof of concept only:
Comments n°:32

The source code exists in lauchpad, but didn't land in community modules yet :
- Base Contact module in OpenObject-addons
- Openobject Server

There are few more mentions, discussions, etc about base_contact being usable (from Fabien Pickaers himself).

OpenERP integrators need the ability to link a single contact record to several companies by defining a job and address because it happens this way in real life. Most third party solutions are able to deal with this scenario, and OpenERP used to.

Duplicating contact records is not an option :
Contact updates become a nightmare, not even mentioning the homonyms situations, confusion at user level, etc.
ex: We wouldn't imagine an Open (or Active) Directory administrator, duplicating a person's record as many times as he'd need him/her to be linked to multiple departments (!?)

So, is there a clear intention of publishing the base_contact module as part of the core addons of openerp ?

Thank in advance. Nicolas


For more reactions, the related conversation on twitter :


Followup : some partners declared not using V7 in production, partly because #base_contact isn't included. I myself have no choice but to use the developments in : - Base Contact module in OpenObject-addons - Openobject Server, Therefore I merged them to a local branch of the official v7 (7.0) and am now implementing its use in production amongst our custom modules. I will post here if anything goes wrong, for now it works pretty well.