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I need to import products into OpenERP 7. Each product has 2 different name translations, one in French and one in Dutch. An example of a product could be:

  • default_code (reference) : EXP-0111-21
  • name Fr : Diable à patins
  • name Nl : Steekwagen met trapglijders
  • list_price : 235€

I want to insert both translations into the ERP for my list of products. I don't see any option to import name translations into the ERP while importing my list. Do I need to directly insert my data into the database or is there another way to import my translations?

Thank you

Author Best Answer

I found a solution; it's not perfect at all but it will do the trick until I find something better.

  1. First I connect to my admin account and I set my admin language to French.
  2. I import all my products with the French names into OpenERP.
  3. Once this is done I export all my products with their French name from OpenERP to a csv. In doing this I get a product's "id" coupled with the item "name" (in French).
  4. In my csv I change the French item "name" with the Dutch one.
  5. I connect myself as the admin on OpenERP and change the Admin language to Dutch.
  6. I import my newly created csv file (with "id", "Dutch name").
  7. It works, my products have a translation now.

I know it's a real pain to do all this to insert my products with two translations but I have not found an easier way to do it. It could probably be done by inserting data directly into the database but this is something I would rather not do (I am afraid I would break the database).


thx it worked like this

Best Answer


I also worried a lot about this problem and finally found the following comfortable solution.

1) import your products with english or whatever language descriptions you like first

2) create individual csv-files for every language with the following structure:

"your_modulname","model","product.template,description","your_modulname.your_template_id","source-value Text","translated-value text"

3) start the following command to import the language-files in the console when server is stopped:

/path_to_your_openerp-server_file/openerp-server -c /path_to_your_openerp-server_config_file/openerp-server.conf --i18n-overwrite --i18n-import=/path to your translated csv file/de_DE.csv -l CORRECT_OPENERP_LANGUAGE_CODE -d $NAME_OF_YOUR_DATABASE


Thanks for your answer! I will definitely try this out!