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2 Replies

In a test database, I changed Administration of a user from 'Setting' to 'Access Rights'. Now I cannot revers it anymore because I lost the General Settings menu in Settings.

What should i do in this scenario?

Author Best Answer

Thanks for the reply.

The user Administration>setting>Access Rights that I changed was "myself" so I did not have the rights to reverse it.

To resolve it:

I was able to create a new user.

Give this new user Administration>Settings>Settings rights.

Login as this new user by copy paste link that says "confirmation email sent"- (see note).

revers "myself" to Setting rights.

and log in again....


Odoo was smart to provide this url so that we do not have to send actual email to activate the user.

I also have now an account called Admin that I will never do transactions apart from admin ones when i have to.

Best Answer


Even though the General settings menu under the Settings menu is not visible there is no issues. You can change the Users group and settings from the following menus by keeping the developer mode activated,

1. Settings -> Users & Companies -> Users

2. Settings -> Users & Companies -> Groups

If you are clicking the Users menu, open the corresponding users form and choose the group settings under the Administration and save it.

if you are clicking the Groups menu, search for the group named Settings ( Administration/Settings), and open it and add the corresponding user to this group by clicking on the Add a line in the Users page.



Thanks for sharing your solution Ramzi; this worked for me as I didn't activate the developer mode beforhand