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I created odoo container from docker-compose fille. 


version: '3.7'
    build: ./build
      - mydb
      - "18283:8069"
      - HOST=mydb
      - USER=myuser
      - PASSWORD=mypassword
    restart: always
    #    volumes:
    # - ./config:/etc/odoo
    # - ./extra-addons:/mnt/extra-addons
    #    command: odoo -u mymodule
     image: postgres:12.1
       - POSTGRES_DB=postgres
       - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword
       - POSTGRES_USER-myuser
     restart: always

inside build directory I have code from v13

Odoo works great, but I have problem with creating module.

I can't find them in Apps Odoo Search starting page. 

After docker-compose up

I typed: 

docker exec --user root -it <id_web_container> bash

> odoo scaffold <mymodule> /mnt/extra-addons/

I see in the /mnt/extra-addons/ directory that I have directory with <mymodule> name. It's Ok. 

I made it before create database in odoo and after this. Nothing changed.

I tried odoo -u <mymodule>.

I tried restart database and web containers and nothing helped. 

Any ideas? 


In Odoo interface, Activate Developer mode, then Go to Applications =>update application list => Click on Update in the Pop-up.

Go back and check if your module appears in Apps Odoo.

Hope this helps.


It works. Thank You!