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How can I see directly the amount owed to a supplier when writing a check?

I load the demo data and the EInvoicing app. I create 2 supplier invoices. I create a check to the supplier. The 2 invoices with the amount due is listed as items. I enter 100% of the first invoice and 50% of the second invoice. I validate the check. I create a new (2nd) check for the same supplier. The items listed are the invoice with a balance due and the previous check. It does not display the amount due on the invoice, it displays the original amount of the invoice. The line item for the previous check shows the total amount of the check, not the amount paid on the open invoice.

This looks like a bug or maybe I'm doing something wrong. I expect that only open invoices should be listed when writing a check. If the invoice is partially paid then only the amount due should be listed. A previous check as no business in the form for writing new checks.

Wouldn't it make sense to have a "Print" button or menu selection so as to be able to print a check? Not necessarily in order to print a legal tender check but just to generate a record?
