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Do any of you can tell me how I can upgrade from version "8.0rc1" to version "8.0 stable" from Github? 
I tried with "git pull" but I'm still says version 8.0rc1

Thank you in advance


I just did a >> git pull origin 8.0

... from the OCB sources (but I guess that makes no difference) and have v8 now. But it took several attempts until the pull actually came through. I always see connection intertuptions when trying to get anything from github, so that can be a reason.


Thanks Gunnar,

I try git pull origin 8.0 and the result was:

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Do you know wat happens?

1st you have to be inside of your repository you want to update. With odoo that would be something like "/opt/odoo/odoo-server". Then you'll have to use sudo like "sudo git pull origin 8.0'


Thank you Gunnar

Best Answer

Essential assumtion is that you clone from odoo repo in github not install from package (manager, i.e). Usually, just

git pull

is suffice, but it depends on how you first clone the project. That command is shortcut to "git pull origin master", the origin should refer to odoo repo in github (, and master is default branch. To check repo url, run

git remote -v

Normally it should list odoo github repo and the name of that repo (origin). The 'origin' name is optional, it can be anyting you specified. That command can give you a clue about source of your local repo.

To check available branch, run

git branch -a

It should list local and remote branch. If available, branch "remotes/origin/8.0" should be there.

My simple workflow is something like this. (assume currently available is version 8.0rc1)

> git clone

> cd odoo

> git pull

(pull the final 8.0 version)

> git checkout -b 8.0 origin/8.0

That will switch local repo to branch 8.0.

> cat openerp/  | grep version_info

to check "version_info = (8, 0, 0, FINAL, 0)" is available, hence local repo is in sync with branch 8.0 final version.


great, thanks


Thank you Ben

I've a bitnami installation with openerp-8.0dev_20140416_230101-py2.7.egg lying in the lib file. there is no registered git repository. Can you tell me how I can update this? There is no git repository initialized, so in what folder do I have to do that? And Do I have to change something in the main openerp folder (where lib file resides), in order to point to odoo/odoo file structure?

I think it's better to create a new question. Briefly, I would make new clone in new folder, try using existing database from the new repo. If everything ok, I will commit to source migration.