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2 Replies

Hello ,

I need to show the field with same data that is in sales order (created by me) in different module like account module especially in customer invoice form....

Can any one help me...

Best Answer

You have to just put the _columuns{your fields} to the destination class

otherwise you make a new module which inherit the account module


Thank you for your quick reply Mr.Kazim Mirza , what i really need is i created one field called e-sugam in sales order form i just want to pass that field with data that i gave in that field to customer invoice form how can i do this could you help me....

It's little bit complicated , if you change at sale order like, you make a new fields on sale order its not automatically pass to invoice , you have to send the value to sale order to invoice order .

Best Answer

You can use here related field like

'sale_order_order':fields.many2one('purchase.order', 'Purchase Order'),
'amt_total':fields.related('sale_order', 'amount_total', type='float', relation='sale.order', string="Amount", readonly=True),

this is the use of related field
