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I have a one2many field:

'items':fields.one2many('mymodule.product', 'parentid', 'Items'),

I would like the one2many widget to show only 10 items most. If there are more items pagination should be use.

How can I do it?


Author Best Answer

I finally solved my problem creating my own widget.

Isn´t there anybody who has developed an odoo widget that provides a better one2many listview?


@Ratmil, Are you doing this list view for the frontend web shop? I am looking into building a similar widget/module that extends the default shop category view to allow for better sorting including grid view (multiple styles) and list view. If you are working on something similar would you be willing to share your work so that we can collaborate instead of doubling up on the same functionality? My github organisation is here: There's a lot of vapourware there as placeholders at the moment for when I have time to build each module, however this particular functionality is the next on my todo list for my own projects.