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2 Replies
            <page string="Questions">
                        <field name="question_items">
                        <tree string="Questions" color ="blue" editable="bottom">                
                        <field name='que_no'/>
                        <field name='que'  bgcolor="green" fgcolor="yellow" cssclass="text_class"/>
                                <field name='option_a'/>
                                <field name='option_b'/>
                                                    <field name='option_c' />
                        <field name='option_d'/>
                                    <field name='option_e'/>
                                                    <field name='cd_choice'/>  
Best Answer

Control size of field in view

How to change column width in tree view one2many,many2many

Changing column widths tree view

Data Elements


According to your last comment, here is the example from hr_view.xml tree view:

    <record id="view_employee_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name">hr.employee.tree</field>
        <field name="model">hr.employee</field>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
            <tree string="Employees">
                <field name="name"/>
                <field name="work_phone"/>
                <field name="work_email"/>
                <field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
                <field name="department_id"/>
                <field name="job_id"/>
                <field name="parent_id"/>
                <field name="coach_id" invisible="1"/>

To use this example, you have to change:

 id="view_employee_tree"  to  id="view_questions_tree" ,

  hr.employee to, 

 <tree string="Employees">  to <tree string="Questions">

and inside the tree just add :

           <field name="question_items"/>

Sir please help me ....................I need to fetch multiple record from a class and display in a tree view under a form view

Author Best Answer

I am trying to fetch records from a table(question_bank) and want to display all of them in a tree(list_of_questions) view under a form(student) view.

'question_items':fields.one2many('list_of_questions', 'student_id','Details'),

I can get one field value of a record by browse but I want to fetch all the records exactly from the table and display them in the tree view.

Like: display list of all the employees in a tree view from hr.employee.

please help me ..................I hope you will at least give me some reference from where I can get the the solution of my problem.
