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I am creating a module to add a field to a table.

When I add the module, the column will be created automatically. Also when I delete the module, the column will disappear.

What can I do to keep the column existing?

Best Answer

Willie, AFAIK OpenERP by default will ke columns intact if a module is uninstalled.  Could you share which version of OpenERP you are using and what module are you uninstalling?


Hi John, I am creating a custom module and I am using OpenERP Version 7

Well, as I've mentioned by default OpenERP (7 for sure) does not delete columns or tables when the module got uninstalled. Can you elaborate on how you actually "delete" the mdoule?


I just uninstall the module and the column disappear itself, I test it for several times and it give the same result

Willie, I've just tried a couple of scenarios, most of them, the columns are intact. Just to clarify we are talking about PostgreSQL's column, right? The column that has gone missing, does it happen to be a many2one field to a new table that is also removed when you uninstall the module? OpenERP does remove tables if it is defined in the module you are uninstalling.