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I have a form named 'territory'. Whenever I save the form, it gets saved with name "territory,#"

where # is 1,2,3,4, etc.


I want to save the form with custom name like - 

1. Value of field inside form(Eg. In my case i want to save form with name of territory i have entered in form).

2. I want to save form with series starting with - 0001, 001, 111, etc.

3. How can i change the separator between the name. Currently the seperator used is ",". I want separators like "-", ".", ":"


Please guide me with full details on how i can achieve this. Thanks in advance. ?

Best Answer

You have to define a column in your module with the name "name", and that will be displayed on your form header. If no column "name" is defined, it will display your form name followed by it's ID.


class territory(osv.osv):
    _name = "territory"
    _description = "Territory"
    _columns = {
        'name': fields.char('Insert territory name', size=64, required=True),
        (... the rest of your columns description goes here...)
    _sql_constraints = [
        ('name', 'unique(name)', 'Territory name must be unique')
    _order = 'name asc'

