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Hello all,

When we download Odoo Community from, there is no odoo-bin file at the root.

On Github, somebody said to me to execute the file ./setup/odoo to run Odoo from source.

So, I execute this command in the terminal :

python ./setup/odoo -c /etc/odoo/openerp-server-10.conf

I get this error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/odoo-10/odoo-10.0-20161123/setup/odoo", line 2, in <module> __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace('odoo.addons')
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 1910, in declare_namespace path = sys.modules[parent].__path__
KeyError: 'odoo'

But if I rename the file ./setup/odoo for ./setup/odoo-bin (I rename it because there already is a directory named odoo at the root) and I copy this file at the root, Odoo runs correctly with :

python ./odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo/openerp-server-10.conf

So, my question is, how could I run Odoo with ./setup/odoo directly from this directory without copying the file at the root each time I download new sources?

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The only think I remember about this is that de the file odoo-bin is not in the nightly build. To have this odoo-bin file, you must update your code from github. The file odoo-bin is in the package from github.

I still update my Odoo 8 files from nightly sources (i like this way). But for odoo 9 and 10, I use github to update my files because of this absent odoo-bin file in the nightly sources.