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i have a many2one field. It is in a line(part of tree for one2many.)
<tree string="PLD" editable="bottom">                              
<field name="priority_set" />                        
<field name="shop_id"  domain="[('is_shop', '=', True),('usage','=','internal')]"    options="{'no_open':True,'no_create':1,'no_create_edit':1}" />          //shop_id = fields.many2one('stock.location')                    
<field name="temp_id"      options="{'no_open':True,'no_create':1,'no_create_edit':1}" />                          
i want to select a shop for 1st line. In the 2nd line, the selected shop value should not be shown in the many2one dropdown. How can it be done?

Best Answer

this is from a custom application but does the job you want out of box in odoo way.

be careful: when you do changes on one2many columns with it, you might erase data!

in views

<record id="view_fc_animal_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">fc.animal.tree</field>
<field name="model">fc.animal</field>
<field name="priority">4</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Animals">
<field name="species_id" on_change="onchange_species_id(species_id, context)" options="{'no_create': True}"/>
<field name="breed_id" domain="[('species_id','=',species_id)]" options="{'no_create': True}" attrs="{'disabled': True}"/>

<!-- this is a sample for Selection/Boolean column. -->
<field name="gender" on_change="onchange_gender(gender, context)"/>


<group attrs="{'invisible': [('gender','not in', ('male', 'female'))]}">
<field name="castrated" attrs="{'invisible': [('gender','in', ('female'))]}"/>
<field name="sterilized" attrs="{'invisible': [('gender','in', ('male'))]}"/>

in model.

class Animal(models.Model):
_name = 'fc.animal'

# columns
species_id = fields.Many2one('fc.species', string='Species', index=True, required=True)
breed_id = fields.Many2one('fc.breed', string='Breed', index=True)

def onchange_species_id(self, cr, uid, ids, species_id, context=None):
if not species_id:
return {'value': {'species_id': False, 'breed_id': False}}

return {'value': {'breed_id': False}}

Best Answer

I was searching solution for the similar problem. Did you solve it yet?
