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I've a database on PC1 and I wanted to backup this one and restore it on PC2 as a local copy (OS: Windows on both PCs, Using pgAdmin for backup and restore)

I tried to restore the backup from PC1 on newly created database by pgadmin on PC2, later when I tried to log in it gave me error of invalid username &Password!

I've used the same backup to create a new database on PC1 and it worked!

I've also downloaded all the applications to have them locally on the PC1, now I can install them on a new database on PC1 by using "Installed Modules" and clearing the installed word from the search field.

I've copied the addons folder from PC1 to PC2, Updated the list of modules and restarted the whole PC2, but I didn't find the modules in the "Installed Modules" area.


How to restore OpenERP database to different PC ? How to can I have the all the Apps locally without the need to reach OpenERP server for download (offline installation)?

Note: PC1 & PC2 are using Windows 7, pgAdmin for backup and restore. and OpenERP 7 freshly installed on both.


No answer yet. I am facing the same problem :S please answer this question..

Best Answer

Use the backup and restore in the odoo "manage databases". Don't unzip the file file dump, and don't use a posgresql db mgmt tool - only use the Odoo database mgmt, restore function which creates a new database on the target machine.

