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I inherited form view and want to put new field inside that fields group after those fields that are inside that group. The problem is that group defined in original form does not have name, so I don't see a way to give correct path where my field should be located. For example let say there is such form with this group defined:

        <field name="first"/>
        <field name="second"/>

So if I inherit that form and try something like this:

<field name="arch" type="xml>
    <field name="second" position="after"/>
     <field name="third"/>

Using such approach will place my field after group which makes not properly lined with those other fields (for example it goes out bellow upper field values (both label and field). It looks like this:

     label_of_first | first
    label_of_second | second
                     label_of_third | third
Best Answer

You should use XPath Element.

See Other Links,

xpath in openerp 7

Hope It work for you,


I can use xpath, but I need to specify in which group I want to place my fields. The problem is, that given group do not have name, it's nameless. So is there any way to show where that group is located without knowing it's name??

I use xpath and bumped into the exact same problem, but no solution yet. Does anyone have new light on this subject?