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Opening POS normally happens from the Point of Sale module dashboard. This seems to be done by the methods open_ui, open_session_cp and open_existing_session_cp in the PosConfig class.

But when calling one of these methods from another module, nothing at all happens. All of these methods return a small object, ie for open_ui it looks like this:

{'url': '/pos/web/', 'target': 'self', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url'}

This somehow doesn't get triggered when I call open_ui from another module like this

// id = 1 do exist
pos = self.env['pos.config'].browse(1)
// Nothing..

I've tried to span the code to try to find why, but I'm stuck. Any expert help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


The reason I'm doing this, is because I need to "hack" POS a bit to customize floor plans, since POS is the only place to edit a floor plan. So basically I have a restaurant that is fully booked every day with different floor plans each day, so an admin need to fix a new floor plan each day organizing tables (numbers of tables and sizes can change from day to day)

Best Answer

Are you returning whatever you are getting from open_ui() method?

return pos.open_ui()


No. How silly of me! Thank you Sundhir :)