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4 Replies


I'm using Odoo 9 and I would like to add a value to amount_total from pos_order.

I tried different things that didn't work as for example inherit _amount_all or use the write function on self.pool.get('pos.order').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context).

Please help me.


Best Answer

amount total is function/compute fields ,

As compute fields not store in db so you can modify it with the write.

you can override the function associated with the compute filed to modify it's value.  

  'amount_total': fields.function(_amount_all, string='Total', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account'),  multi='all'),

override  _amount_all  method .


Currently, my code is this : def _amount_all(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None): res = super(pos_order, self)._amount_all(cr, uid, ids, name, args, context) for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): res[]['amount_total'] += 42 return res But the value "42" isn't added to amount_total. Can you help me please ?

Author Best Answer

Thank you, I understood more that amount_total is generated by _amount_all.

So, I tried to inherit as you said but I think I did something wrong.
Here is my code :

def _amount_all(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):

res = super(pos_order, self)._amount_all(cr, uid, ids, name, args, context)

for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):

      res[]['amount_total'] += order.coupon_nb

return res



Should I override the attributes in "_columns" or the xml view ? Cause it doesn't work for the moment...

Best Answer


I hope everyone is in good health. I am trying Odoo for test purposes.  I have created the sales order of about 6 items and I assigned them to the different team. My question is that is there any way that I can create the invoice for all 6 items separately from only one account? I have created two invoices of the sales order from two different accounts i.e. Administrator and demo account but for that I had to delete rest of the items in the list and after doing that I was unable to create any more invoice for that sales order from those account. I want to know if I can create separate invoice for all the items.
