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4 Replies

I want to make an inventory detailed list in my company

I use the openERP do it...

Whether inventory record include OpenERP ?

and then I want to install "P/N Part Number" and help me to work efficiency

what can I do ? please help me...thank you

Best Answer

First,:Change your question to: How to make an Inventory ?

Second: you can't make an inventory with OpenERP.

Inventory is done manualy, and the result (of the inventory) is filled in OpenERP.

Third: For the Part Number read this before and post a new question "How to use or How to create a Product Part Number in OpenERP?

Best Answer


You can record your inventory from Warehouse->Inventory control ->Physical Inventories you can load all the products in specific location by pressing the "Fill Inventory" button on the right. Or you can load your products one by one , the Quantity that loaded by OpenERP it's your system's quantity then you have to compare it with your own manual one, then adjust OpenERP quantity to match your own. the difference will go to virtual location to do not miss it , since OpenERP works by double entry theory.

I hope this could help.


Best Answer


why u require to create table for inventory? Openerp already provide Warehouse module with complete inventory package. Install warehouse module in your Openerp database and u can access default functionality of inventory management system. Or if you want to add your own custom field then you can inherit classes of warehouse module

Author Best Answer

sorry, I modify the title, I mean make an inventory detailed list, not create table for inventory~~

I just need somebody help me how to use it....

I need to OpenERP warehouse detail operation manual
