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i make a new page with tree view and form view

Now I want to make a kanban view for it and i failed

<record id="custom_kanban" model="ir.ui.view">

<field name="name">custom.kanban</field>

<field name="model">custom</field>

<field name="type">kanban</field>

<field name="arch" type="xml">


<field name="name"/>  


<t t-name="kanban-box">

<div class="oe_product_vignette">

<a type="open">

<img class="oe_kanban_image"

t-att-src="kanban_image('custom', 'image'," />


<div class="oe_product_desc">


<a type="edit">

<field name="name"></field>




<li>Field 1 : </li>

<li>Field 2 : </li>









When I update the module, it says "except_orm: (u'ValidateError', u'The value "kanban" for the field "ir_act_window.view_type" is not in the selection')"

Best Answer

The problem isn't your kanban view, it's your action.  In ir.actions.act_window, view_type only refers to one of two options: form or tree.  98% of the time, you want a form type.  An example of the tree type is the Chart of Accounts view - a nested set of groupings where clicking the text calls an action rather than just expanding another grouping.

You need to take kanban out of the view_type and insert it into view_mode, along with any other views you want present on that action.
