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How to make a full backup of openerp with all files for transfer to the new server? Is this possible?

Best Answer

This depends on how you have it installed. Lets say you are using Ubuntu: There are 3 parts to your installation.

  • Database
  • OpenERP Installation
  • Support Libraries (Python etc.)

DATABASE: You can use the OpenERP facility to backup your DB or do a dump. To dump the DB you can login as the postgres user (sudo su -; sudo postgres) pg_dump -f openerp_current.sql openerp_current (or whatever you db is called) scp openerp_current.sql new_server:/tmp

On new server login as the postgres user (sudo su -; sudo postgres) createuser -S -D -R -P openerp createdb -O openerp openerp_current psql -f /tmp/openerp_current.sql

OPENERP: There are several ways of doing this. If you know the procedure that you followed when you installed server_a then follow that. Otherwise here are a couple of suggestions.

A: If you are using a packaged OpenERP then on the new Server: apt-get install openerp_server

B: If you are using a downloaded version of openerp you can sync it from server a to server b: ssh openerp@server_a; rsync -ave ssh openerp_install/ openerp@server_b:openerp_install/ rsync -ave ssh openerp_addons/ openerp@server_b:openerp_addons/ The uid:gid of server_b may differ from server_a, therefore on server_b: sudo chown -R openerp.openerp /home/openerp

Then make sure you have you /etc/init.d/openerp-server setup and linked on server_b (update_rc.d openerp-server defaults) may help Make sure /etc/openrp-server.conf is setup on server_b

SUPPORT LIBS: There is some instruction for installing the support libraries in the openerp documentation. However you can: tail -f /var/log/openerp-server.log and see what it complains about when starting server. Then apt-get install the required lib

