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I'm from indonesia and trying to use Odoo 9 as the system for a small manufactur company. I learn that there is no chart of accounts for indonesia, what I need to do if I need to implement the indonesia's CoA ? 

And I still a little bit confused about how I configure or set what journal will be made when I do something for example pay my purchase invoice, can anyone help? an asap answer will be much appreciated

thank you

Best Answer


The link below to a Djakarta consultant firm working with Odoo


To pay your purchase invoice:

use a bank journal and debit the supplier account and credit the bank account

Asset/Aktiva 10000
10100 Aktiva Lancar
10101 Kas
10102 Piutang Usaha
10103 Persediaan …. dst
10200 Aktiva Tetap
10201 Inventaris
10202 Kendaraan
10202.1 Akumulasi Penyusutan Kendaraan
10204 Tanah …. dst
Hutang/Liability 20000
20100 Utang Jangka Pendek
20101 Utang Dagang
20200 Utang Jangka Panjang
20201 Investasi Pihak Ketiga
Modal/Equity 30000
30100 Modal
30200 Prive … dst
Income/pendapatan 40000
40100 Pendapatan
40200 Laba Tahun berjalan
Cost of sales (HPP/Harga Pokok Penjualan) 50000
50100 Pembelian
50102 Ongkos Angkut Pembelian
50200 HPP …. dst
Biaya/Expense 60000
60100 Biaya Kantor
60101 Biaya Gaji Karyawan Kantor
60102 Biaya ATK
60200 Biaya operasional
60201 Biaya gaji Karyawan
60202 Biaya Sewa Gedung… dst
Other Income 70000
70100 Bungan Bank
70101 Bunga Tabungan
70102 Bunga Deposito
70200 Bunga Investasi .. dst
Other Expense 80000
80100 Beban Pajak
80101 Pajak Penghasilan
80102 Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan
80200 Beban Invesatasi ..dst
Best Answer

Hi Sashkia, are you interested to become one of our team in Indonesia?
